We would like to invite you to watch Vivaldi's Four Seasons virtual concert on September 16, which will be available until December 31.
Please use the following promo code 4SEASONS_TEAM_210916 to watch the concert in the IDAGIO Global Concert Hall
What's in store for you?
Virtuoso violinist Nikolay Madoyan and conductor Karen Durgaryan offer a passionate rendition of Vivaldi's masterpiece The Four Seasons for their debut in IDAGIO's Global Concert Hall. They are joined by the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia in this special performance from the Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall.
About the concert
This concert will allow the audience to view Vivaldi's sonnets carefully adjusted to each movement of the violin concertos. The series of four violin concertos was revolutionary in musical idea, giving unparalleled expression to the seasons of the year, unveiling blossoming nature, snowy landscapes and whirlwind storms. Vivaldi masterfully evokes the spirit of each season representing singing birds, buzzing bees and hunting scenes. The composer has artfully related The Four Seasons to his sonnets, which greatly emphasized the atmosphere of the seasons and formed a unique bond between music and poetry.
We would be happy if you join this event and write a review of the concert!
Best wishes,
Nikolay Madoyan's project team

+1 (226) 808 7180